Announces Cucuruz Doan's Island's Remake


By Epic Dope Staff | September 18, 2021

The original Gundam series will forever remain a mecha masterpiece no matter what. But even in spectacular anime like these, there can be episodes that do not meet the mark.

Sunrise revealed Gundam’s new film Mobile Suit Gundam: Cucuruz Doan’s Island, based on episode 15 of the same name from the anime’s original 1979 series.

The film will retell Cucuruz Doan’s Island episode from a new perspective with some additional details and information about the events that conspired.

Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Netflix have the most Gundam titles at the moment, and this film might just become a part of their collection.

The upcoming film will have many details from Amuro’s stay at the island and might reveal things we never knew.

I have no idea what this film has in store for us, but loads of cool robot fights and action sequences are guaranteed. After all, it’s Gundam, the greatest mecha anime of all time.